from Decade Zero

They thought back to 
unstructured time
He saw the loss of it like 
a hole in a steak
stuffed with garlic
his drool dribbled into
her schedule cleared
for the afternoon
      ignored the messy
piles on the floor
suggested they watch
a show about the west coast
      If they held time 
in their hands 
it was supple 
& willing to give
if they used 
& could keep it tender


I go out to greet the pink sky
is it petalful
or chemical
past point of no return
or perfect three minutes
I write this poem      
I do not 
go out to greet the pink sky


Ruined castles everywhere
coming round
the Lincoln Tunnel helix
sun zap
prong rays
joke of panoramic vision
we’d like to decline
are we responsible
for this vast ruined castle
how little can we care
  and still be let in & out
at the gates
Manhattan sunrise
should it contain
orange juice & tequila 
or some other shot
unspoiled & uncontained
straight to the heart