Letter to Us

I hope your hotel accommodations in Athens were satisfactory and that the financial situation in Greece hasn't affected greatly your travel plans.

Here is a summary of the events at the Varonis residence since your departure:

  1.   Our air-conditioning unit ran out of "Freon" a couple of hours after your departure for Toronto and I had to turn it off. I couldn't get hold of N___ from church and this morning I contacted Alex's heating & cooling company. A technician came this afternoon and refilled it with Freon for ~$179. I also got a new filter and installed it. Right now, the unit is working fine.  Y___, on your return, you will enjoy the current cool air.
  2.   T___ got back to Philadelphia late Sunday evening without any major issues.
  3.   Following T___'s departure, I had a pleasant Skype conversation with B___ and M___ and a phone call with my sister. Everyone in Greece is worrying about their current financial situation and how it may affect their daily lives. 
  4.   FYI, it took some time and effort to find the requested Athens hotel information. Finally, I was able to get hold of it from our "2010 Taxes" records.
  5.   I talked to Y___ this evening and his interview went well. I would rather let him tell you about this new job opportunity and the associated hiring process.
  6.   Someone has left a phone charger plugged into one of our family room electrical outlets near the TV unit.
  7.   I mailed this morning T___'s Ancestry.com DNA testing package.
  8.   L___ you got a $30.00 MoneyGram from J___ (?) covering the cost of C___'s Ancestry.com DNA testing.
  9.   Also, you got a $___.00 check from Quality Matters. 
  10.   Tomorrow I will deposit L___'s signed checks at our checking account.
  11.   H___ called to ask Maria about his house in Youngstown. I told him to contact you via an email.
  12.   The following were today's babysitting activities with Edgar:
    1.   I cleaned her litter box (she had only urinated in it), removed several of her presents she left for me on the porch couch, and cleaned the couch pillow with "Clorox" disinfecting wipes.
    2.   I put fresh water in her drinking bowl and checked her food supply.
    3.   I adjusted the portable fan direction and speed so that she could feel the cool air when she sits on her favor carbon sofa.
    4.   I did my reading this morning at the porch while she was either sleeping on me or sitting on her carbon sofa.
    5.   I sprayed a little of her cat-sniffing delight on her favor carbon sofa and she enjoyed her stretching exercises on it.
    6.   I gave her a little massage, put her on her leash and sat with her on the porch steps for a while watching the nearby squirrels.
    7.   I gave her this afternoon some of her favored Homos [favorite hummus] and spent sometime with her.
    8.   I started leaving and entering the porch from its outside door so that I don't have to stop her from entering the house each time I open and close the inside door. Of course in doing so, I enter the house from the garage door.

Please keep me updated. 

Wishing you a safe, joyful and successful conference in Kos.


Leora Fridman's correspondance Leora Fridman's correspondance