The Gnats of Love
—a transcontemporation from Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil Dracula, dentist-saint, knows Christ felt nothing for a severed nerve, Hormone-spooned baby-food to soon-to-be second comings served. Spasmodic Jesus-aim of the amputee's jejune gnats, Cum-splattered axe, conjugated feces, a voluptuous shat. Jesus the drug dealer: sun cut flat by straight Ajax, No Novocain for the scorned heart, save the bad ass sax. See the dumb-son's debonair sneer at the crack flame, Hear Falwell reruns drowned in the clacks of a billiards game. Imagine the magnificent loss of the bald porcupine, The soul's effervescence from genuflecting and quick-lime. God presides in the case between grace and bafflement, Is not fond of the double entendre or the check-of-late-rent— So will suffer the insouciant hombres of love: Angels, dammed by gravity, lapping at halos of blood.