Everything degrades to HTML with a Bad Connection
Everything is a miracle The fact that you talk to me how the trains do not break apart or the getting of checks The ocean its coming and going I want a different miracle another walking away Can you listen this needs to be a partnership how I moved over 3000 miles I wanted to believe in fairies do you believe in fairies That I could write when I wasn't drunk but how I did anyways You really have to do something repeatedly white table cloth and condensation on the water glasses what do I have to do to not be anywhere When the conversation turns sour I am talking to H and I'm in the bathroom Why can't we be honest with one another I hate you I hate you I hate you the nicest person is wearing an apron and white pressed button up the nicest person is asking me what I'd like to put into my mouth the day ends with a swim in the bay Pieces of algae the color of blood clots Everything degrades to HTML with a bad connection a menu a list of words my existence makes you feel bad we sit around a bunch of food and talk It's all so LOL we are on social media capturing moments of nothing like they are something This key lime pie is so so so sie liebe sie liebst I'm watching a film about lust and I'm trying to remember the last time I felt true lust is it a youth thing is it a timing thing In my dream we are water skiing without boats and skis It's just our legs and feet The moment we look down the water swarms with sharks all this movement beneath a still still surface I'm in a store full of beautiful things and I can't find anything to buy help me find something to buy LOL is my awkward period in a text the silence heavy holding itself up for a second the knife on the table before it falls my poverty a pale shade of gray sun bleached and mottled My youth a series of expensed meals I am watching my old nose walk out of the subway car I am watching you draw on your eyebrows as your friends share a drink out of a brown paper bag I will miss our conversations after dinner how we chat about the changing neighborhood maybe next year you will be in Florida your rent half of what it was here I am looking at my friends and some of them are ghosts some of them are clean-clean glass that you accidentally walk into I want to walk backwards into the old city the one I never met with the warm neighbors and the cheap rent