This is not an Apology
At the very last minute the curtain is pulled back and the audience witnesses the state killing Troy Davis has refused the sedative and his last supper he names his innocence the mercy gods are to have on the souls of his killers, for hire for Fury is convoluted on purpose Love is unusual nerve his family is charged for the transport of his body from the prison to the coffin and he is still alive and what else feels like will and is actually fantasy the too easy overlap between saint and sociopath and Not another no other puttering revolver in papa’s panted dream drawer where he always falls into a skin of words, is blind, murdered, healed gall bladder first in the crying room in the humor at the bottom of a scream we fear we mean it that we will actually unleash our power on these ignorant unsuspecting … Cause of death listed as Homicide, a blankly matronly concept pried from resentment by truth you'll see the salt misbehaving falling from your eyes in chains