you think they kept records back then? en el rancho, pues try googling your mom’s maiden name plus Torreón más Coahuila plus Otto más historia. de donde vinieron los Serranos? even your dad wasn’t this difficult to track down. ancestory dot com wants your money but you wonder, can they even track down your aventureros, nomads, small rancho living folks or is it just an Anglo-driven service. there’s ancestory dot mx, does that make you feel closer to giving them your American pesos? Coahuila grants you access to its online database pero ni sirve porque anything before the year of 19-something-near isn’t archived there. your ma tells you that she tried getting your abuelo’s birth certificate back when she visited, años atrás sin resolución. you find little threads on free sites surprised that the Church of Latter Day Saints seemingly has a lot of Catholic Church records from dot mx and somewhere among all the Antonio’s you find abuelo. abuelo introduces you to your bisabuelo in a dream and now you’re searching for him your ma tells you he wasn’t originally from Otto or Coahuila might’ve been from somewhere in Zacatecas pues now you google your mom’s maiden name plus your bisabuelo’s first name más your abuelo’s name plus Zacatecas más a guesstimate of year ranges that would make sense. you switch between dot com and dot mx dot com dot mx dot com dot mx dot mx mx mx mx you try to google your abuela’s maiden name, too that leads you to incongruent census documents which Julia in which Carrillo family did she belong to? you can just ask her, but sometimes she can’t recall details so you stick to el google, and the dot mx’s. you keep pulling, un poco más un poco más you start getting targeted ads for record services you get asked if you’ve tried 23andMe pero like that’s not the history you want un poco más un poco más http ://….