“Outside, the tree falling is detour”

Outside, the tree
falling is detour,
limelighters, alpha,
I'm a b-boy for
the aughts, liminal
book-end of this
geography of forgetting
where day is a dreidel
struggling in a rug.
Invisible line on this
vinyl collection,
meat, a memory of
this brown hillside
and your home a rail
in it, a power-supply
blinking in the back
of a mountain, and
I know the liquor
store you speak of.
Fourth Steps and
apologies through the
coin traps of gas stations,
half a drawer and still
what it took - a curb,
a newsstand, a jog out
on the freeway. Awkward,
a hot tub & yer bro,
shows, another game of
alphabet after curfew,
everyone out here in
the parking lot for
the fire drill. I'll
pick you up. I will.