At the Auditions for The Lion King

Yes, that is what I said. Get
On all fours and roar. I wonder if this is something
that actually happens in the play? I’m on my knees.
It’s called a musical. My shoes are untied.
Maybe they’d rather that I sang a song. 
I wonder if anyone else asked. No need,
Mr. Nelson. 
Show me 
Your Inhibition.

As a child, when Pluto was a planet, long before
The American Museum of Natural History
Removed the former smallest planet from their scale model,
Putting the discarded Pluto in someone’s trunk,
Or the corner of an office, or maybe
Hidden in a tableau of polar bear hunting seals,
I’d been told that there was no need.

Why can’t I argue that maybe there isn’t magma
At the center of the Earth? Maybe there isn’t.

Here, this woman asking me to get on all fours
And roar, says it again. No need.