
We see you
in hat hair & Dior

Raging with liver sweats

Reader, I thought it was tacky
to address you
but this could be one of us

Wearing that silk robe
as a vanity membrane

Telling your secrets
to your house broken

And when come the gooey summer nights
just gamble, gamble, gamble

No doubt
you ride your zen cart
thousands of feet
into the gold mine
listen to the drips of

Reading great accomplishments
on a microchip
the size of hotel butter

You are a monolith
the weight of fire

If you are the missing piece

Brace yourself
for the fit

The Sequel

The sequel is
less epic

You are a failure

You missed the last plane out of the city
before the storm

You have a wet crew cut

Your apartment
looks like
an exploded Burlington
Coat Factory

You blame your thumbs
and their haunted cuticles
for your typos

With the proper alignment
of shaving mirrors
you make an SOS
with a laser pen

Which we will realize
in our gargantuan living rooms
with little artifacts

Reader, in the third act
we will reunite
in a new regal kingdom

(whisper this part)

The wigs are in the box
where they will phoenix