Animal Hard-on

— for the painter Walton Ford

I expected to find these landscapes deserted
but they are replete w/ hidden fires—
elephants w/ inescapable hard-ons,
birds swarming sinister a sever’d branch,
& here a bonobo eats pomegranate in a moment of vulvig swell
It felt electrig w/ power you know
These paintings! Like listening to music!
Each one a rare moment, and humanless
(There was a person in one of them, 
the one w/ the bats—was he stranded there? 
I couldn’t read the small writing, it was on a postcard) 
I too want to be painted—I climb out 
on a sever’d branch, Robert, a human animal—
full w/ electrig power—I wait for you & the birds
hand on my hard-on like a shipwreckt sailor,
exotig fruits rotting in my mouth