Poem For Chris Toll In The Between

I’m a snowflake and I’m drifting toward a bonfire—I know this—I’m getting hot.

It is better to be WILD than to be ACCEPTED
His phone lights his face like a prayer candle,
like a star in a young universe—
It is better to be FREE than it is, even, to be GOOD
Christopher Roy Toll, 64, of Baltimore, Maryland
transcended due to natural causes on September 27, 2012—
Chris, this is serious—TRUTH is an engine & it’s stalling

Out there, in the Between, it’s kiss or be kist—
Load yr machine gun w/ sugar pills & fire
indiscriminately into the void
Let yr heart go like a smart bomb—

& in the final reel—after the dust
settles on Heaven’s empty parking lot—
we will find God on his laurels, rusting