Steps Toward Accreditation
1. Find a piece of land & lie down upon it & remain as still as you possibly can – even the smallest fidget & you must reapply. 2. Count the birds that fly overhead on your fingers starting on your left pinky & proceeding inwards (using toes if necessary). 3. In your mind keep a catalogue of each type of bird, & the frequency of each in comparison to the entire sample (for example – tanagers now account for roughly every third bird (≈1:3), or wrens are four times more likely to occur than are cardinals (4:37 vs. 1:37)). 4. Learn one interesting fact about each bird (i.e. – this particular sparrow once owned & truly cherished a piece of red thread). This may be difficult as the birds fly by so quickly & are often not in the mood for questions. 5. Remember each love of your life. Spend more time dwelling on the shorter, fleeting ones that perhaps never really did exist than on the more long-lasted ones the ones where you together grew together before together growing apart. (Note: For purposes of the accreditation, a glance exchanged on the street is worth more than a marriage.) 6. Consider your birth. 7. Measure your height using intuition alone. If a doctor or anyone else has recently ascertained your height using any instrument of measurement & divulged that measurement to you, you must not allow that information to influence you in any way – even an involuntary flash of recollection can lead to disqualification. 8. Discern how many human feet have stepped where your buttocks now lie. Feel their ghosts stepping on (or rather through) your buttocks, ghostly toenails grazing muscle & skin as each spectral foot is lifted up, ready for the next step. 9. Build a life up from inside a wilderness. (Use as many pinecones as necessary.) 10. Grow a career from a seed. Tell your grandkids, “60 years ago where this career now stands there was nothing.” Observe closely the marvel in their cherub-like faces as they wonder how such a large thing could have once been nearly nothing. 11. Present all required paperwork neatly to the heavens, toast a blessed loved one's butterfly kisses, nibble on the smallest toe of your closest enemy, disregard the bird nest fallen from the spruce tree; meditate miserably on that tiniest insult you once in anger lobbed at your best friend (he long ago got over it & forgot it) till the pain of regret is fully reanimated within you. 12. OK. You will receive your results in four-to-eight lifetime installments. The results will be unreadable but you will not mind. Congratulations in advance.