One of the things I like about acting is that, in a funny way…
I come back to myself. — Bill Murray
America, amore, I can I know survive you. I can revive & re-love you. & rejoice & re- vivisect your joie de vivre. & put it all on video. I can enclose you closely in mind but not altogether clearly. Americana, you are a smattering of light insults, a slathering of lathe. Please forgive my form. I fit you fitfully, & fearful & form myself from our forced embrace. I forget myselfin you at times at times I confront you curious of a cure for you & acquiesce. Originally I wanted nothing from you. Then nothing but a wedding a weekend in your warmer climates a breakout scene a body full of bubbles. Bur went the bitter cold. Ping went the pipes. Originally I was born & bred. & read, to be an original a burgeoning aboriginal a bore in short appeased to be aborted by ambition or merely applauded, then weakened in the familiar way awaiting the final pause. But things don’t much align with the imagined seductive do they? Why is every dinner with you lately me staring at my fists? Now a peace between us is my preference. But peace is not the pleasant settling into we hear in the hopeful & vaguely compassionate voices is it— it’s a mesa a plateau, a stabilization formed from warring elementals armed with what they’ve been educated to suppress, or contain or influence others to accept with education. There’s a word I’d like to have with you by which I mean share. By which I mean a word or two. With an undercarriage double-thump that might be mass transit or mass exodus my heart goes out to you, with you, like a phantom light in a coffee can… I need a way back in- to document— this so-little human voice a living archive a testament to our relationship let this be part of my cumulative directorial debut an updraft of snow falling into orbit & obit. But not just yet. I’ve brought you a pocket full of pleases. A thank you. A think tank. A thunk trunk. A picnic basket of preamble a play on our precious precious us. Let’s devise in this short time together a systematic operation of inclusion— catching what falls between binaries thump-thump heart in erasure & recovery hump-dumpheart in loving & loss bump-lumpheart in fear & facing finality thump-slumpheart in pivotal arrest & arraignment etc., & between each, our stories Amour, I submit to our minor clashes, to our miscarriages of maybes. But I cannot complete the circle of whatever vows—hand over heart— I took by being born to you. I can’t I know survive you. I love that you are more than a compilation of life’s vivid bits, comprised of trans- generational, trans- sexual, national, lingual, trans- spiring circuitries of cohabitation— commerce to intercourse— & move from benign to being generous to beguiling & unbearable so often—you yourself perhaps were born of too simple a belief system by which I mean a high belief in your own accumulative precociousness. But this behavior cannot stand. Because this believer cannot himself stand by youas himself wanting neither to be your Ex or have you as my dieu (adieu d'eux deux). America, amoureux, I cannot I know accept you (in full) except to accept I am youin whatever ways I am & will change what I can about myself & what I can about you to make you a better us. Like the slow drift of atmospheres over continents I respectfully decline your borders. But like the lover I am I keep you close.