Beginning on May 6, 2013, Holly Murkerson and Olivia Valentine used their cell phones to take a photograph at the same time each day, compensating for differences in their respective geographic locations. What began as a way to stay in touch became a diaristic correspondence that lasted for 171 days, until October 23, 2013, when they reunited in Chicago.
This correspondence currently exists as two volumes:
Volume One contains every pair of photographs.
Volume Two contains the written correspondence that accompanied the images.
Excerpt from Volume One

Just woke up. I slept hard;
I think I was really tired.
Worked last night and then went out to have a beer afterwards.
The view of my ceiling — I have been sick in bed all day.
A little late today. On my way to the Austrian Consulate to meet
with the artists organizing our next show.
Looks like it might storm.
I left the house for the first time in 36 hours.
Getting ready to take Nicole to the airport.
Getting ready to leave the house.
Gabby and I are going to try and find
the pre-circumcision henna party for the nephew of my friend Şerife.
I had just taken a photo of my ceiling to send to you when my friend Cassie called.
Talked to her for awhile,
then got out of bed and took this photo of my kitchen table instead.
On a walk, trying to figure out where to photograph next.
Still in bed this morning.
Slowly waking up from a long, hard nap. Sunburn from an early morning outing
and lack of sleep.
Heading to a wedding in an hour.
Just landed in Milwaukee, continuing on to New York.
Packing, packing, packing.
The verdict for the Trayvon Martin case was just announced.
I keep thinking about how death is the one thing we all have in common,
and that to carry a gun
is to take that lightly, a loss of humanity.
Walking in Istanbul near Cihangir with Timur. Translates roughly to “We came
here. We are the ustas (masters) of resistance.