from Words and Colors
It began with snow There was snow I was not snow I was in the snow The snow was white Cold And wet The snow was silent The snow was white Cold And wet The snow was silent It was I And it was the snow I was not white I was not cold I was not wet It was I And it was the snow The snow was silent And I was silent I turned around There was snow The snow was white The snow was immense I looked up It was the sky The sky was blue The sky was immense It was I And I stood in the snow The snow was white Cold And wet It was I And I was the snow I was not white I was not cold I was not wet It was I And I was the snow The snow was silent And I was silent The snow was light The sky was bright And the light was immense And I was not afraid The snow was white Cold And wet The snow was white I was not white I was pink It was silent The silence was not white The silence was not cold The silence was not wet The silence was silence The silence was absolute silence The snow was silent The snow was completely silent I was silent I was absolutely silent It was I And I was the snow The snow was white Cold And wet I was not snow My hands were not snow They were not white They were not cold They were not wet I was silent I had the word I opened my mouth I said the word Snow That was the word I said Snow That was the word I said And that was the word I said the word I was not silent I said the word Snow It did not snow It was already snow It was the word snow And I believed in it I said the word Snow I said the word I had a voice It was not silent It was not white It was not cold It was not wet The voice was a voice I was not the voice I had the voice And I believed in it The snow was still silent I was not silent I said the word It was the opposite of silence It was the sound The sound was a sound And the light was still bright I wanted words I opened my mouth I said words I was not silent I said words There were words There was no snow There was no sky There were words The snow was still white The snow was not words The snow was snow The snow was white Cold And wet The snow was silent I was not silent The words were not silent The words were the opposite of silence The words became sound The sound became sound And the snow was still silent And the light was still bright I turned around It looked the same as before There was snow It was immense snow The snow was white Cold And wet I stood in the snow I was not silent The snow was still silent The snow was absolutely silent The snow was white The snow was light But the light was no longer as bright The light was dull I did not know if there was light I did not know I did not even think I knew I knew that the snow was white I knew that the snow was cold I knew that the snow was wet That it was light But it was a different light The light was dull Maybe it was darkness I did not want the darkness I wanted light I turned around It looked the same as before There was snow There was immense snow The snow was white Cold And wet The snow was light But it was a different light The light was dull I stood in the snow I was not cold I was not dull I no longer knew if there was light I said snow I meant to say snow There was snow The snow was still white But it was a dull white I turned around It looked the same as before But it was a dull white It looked the same as before But it was a dull white I turned around It was a dull white But I was not dull I turned around I was not dull I turned around It looked the same as before I turned around It probably looked the same as before I turned around I think it was dull white I turned around I was not dull I turned around I stood in the snow I did not turn around I stood in the snow I did not turn I was not dull I was not white I was not cold I stood in the snow The light was no longer as bright The light was dull The snow was still silent But it was not the same silence The snow was still white But it was not the same white The snow was still white But it was not the same white The snow was still light But it was not the same light And I was a little wet The light was no longer as bright The light was dull The light was no longer as bright The light was dull The light was no longer as bright The light became darkness I saw that the light was darkness I could still see my hands I could still see my hands were pink I could still see the snow I could still see that the snow was white I could still see that the snow was snow I saw that I could still see I saw that I was not snow I was not white I was pink I was not cold I was hot Hot and a little wet I was not snow I was not the word snow But I could say snow I could open my mouth I could say snow And that was the word snow And I believed in it The light was no longer as bright The light became darkness I saw that the light was no longer bright The light became darkness The snow was no longer white The snow was no longer light The snow was darkness The light was no longer bright The light was darkness And darkness was darkness The darkness was so dark that it became black I could no longer see if the snow was white I could no longer see if the snow was snow I could no longer see if my hands were hands I could no longer see if my hands were pink I turned around There was no longer light It was black I stood in the snow Rather, I stood in the darkness