Issue 9
- Hapax Legomena Heather Christle
- Something Green In The Snow Heather Christle
- Hider Roser Amy Lawless
- Tiberius (The Thousand Yard Stare) / from Empire Amy Lawless
- Snack food poem Dolly Lemke
- Niagara Falls Dolly Lemke
- Les Misérables Bianca Stone
- Dishes Bianca Stone
- Elegy with a Tiny Darkness in My Palms Bianca Stone
- The Cedars Of Lebanon Brandon Shimoda
- The Abbreviated Style Brandon Shimoda
- I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With That Bret Shepard
- from Friend Sommer Browning
- Over the River Not Out of the Woods Ashleigh Lambert
- The Funnel Bret Shepard
- [untitled] Timothy Liu and Hansa Bergwall
- from False Spring Gina Myers
- from Involving Names & Places second & third sections TFD
- The Accumulation of Centuries of Winters Stephanie Anderson
- To Break the Sameness Stephanie Anderson
- Painting Jared White
- Painting Jared White
- OBJECT/NARRATIVE in monochrome Michael Lala
- Yucca Mountain Aubrie Marrin
- from The Same Blank Target Robert Alan Wendeborn
- Imaginary Portrait Tina Brown Celona
- Imaginary Portrait Tina Brown Celona
- Imaginary Portrait Tina Brown Celona
- The Red Elephant Rob MacDonald
- Cold Fusion Adam Robinson
- Animals Fantastique Henri Michaux
- Pax Stephen Caratzas
- A Prayer for Difficult People Stephen Caratzas
Cover Art
Dustin Dennis currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Dennis received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Kansas City Art Institute in 2003 and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2005. He has since exhibited digital prints, photography, and sculpture in New York, Rhode Island, New Mexico, California and Michigan. Dustin is a founding director of Studio Fuse, an expanding art blog and New York City based studio community.